Cornerstone Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental Baptist Church that strives to glorify God in all that we say and do.  We look to the Word of God as our authority, believing it is the mind and heart of God revealed to man, guiding us in this life as well as into eternity.


Cornerstone Baptist Church is an Independent, Fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist Church.

  • Independent – We are autonomous of any other ruling body
  • Fundamental – We hold to the fundamentals of the faith
  • Bible-believing – KJV only – We believe that the Bible (King James Version) is the infallible, inerrant Word of God for the English speaking people.
  • Baptist – We believe that those and only those who have trusted Christ as their personal Saviour should be baptized by immersion.
  • Church – A local group of called-out believers


Pastor Richard King was burdened to start an Independent Baptist Church in southwest Houston. In August of 1991, Pastor King rented Highlands Elementary School in Sugar Land, Texas and began meeting every Sunday. A dedication service was held September 8, 1991, and Highlands Baptist Church was officially created.  September 15, 1991 was the first service for the new church. The school was used as a meeting location until June 1992. A former Savings and Loan Bank building was found and purchased in neighboring Missouri City.  Since the name Highlands Baptist Church was no longer appropriate for their new location, the congregation voted to change the name to Cornerstone Baptist Church of Missouri City, Texas.  An organization service was held on January 24, 1993 with 42 people signing the charter.  In 1997, Pastor King felt the Lord leading him to turn Cornerstone over to a full-time pastor and move on to start another church. In October 1997, the church called Lamar Ard as the second pastor to serve Cornerstone Baptist Church. In 2000, the church realized it was quickly outgrowing its current facility and began investigating options for relocation.  In 2003, the church purchased the facilities on Kingsbrook Lane, where the church is currently meeting. In 2010, the buildings were remodeled and the church mortgage was paid off.  In May 2021, the church called Russell Ellis as the new pastor of CBC.


Our pastor is the church’s spiritual and administrative leader who leads the church to follow Christ. Our staff, faculty, leaders and teachers follow our Pastor as long as he is under the leadership of Christ through the Word of God. Our Pastor relies on a group of men elected by the church called trustees to ensure transparency in the finances and administration of the church business.
